My inspirations for everything that I do are my forever loves. They are my precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; and my heaven sent husband, Garnell, and children, Damani and Jacelle. I did not grow up thinking about becoming a therapist, I just struggled to see people hurting. I believe that therapy is something that the Lord called me to and I simply submitted to. As a result, I have found my life’s passion and purpose in restoring the brokenhearted and binding up their wounds.
The Bible tells us in Hosea 4:6 that my people perish for lack of knowledge. I realize that the reason that life was not working for most was simply because of what they did not know. I have learned that life is no respecter of persons because I have clients who are rich and poor and everything in between; black and white and everything in between; and believers and unbelievers and everything in between but their spiritual and emotional issues are the same.
DaCelle Counseling & Enterprises was birthed in my heart as a result of my love and adoration for my children, Damani and Jacelle, which I combined their names to create DaCelle. They inspired me to open a private practice to fulfill my desire to make the world that I was bringing them into better for them and others.
Mothers Making Millions was birthed as a result of my love and adoration for my husband, Garnell. MMM is actually not just about helping mothers make money, it is more about Mothers assisting their families to prosper.
My husband has always been extremely supportive of my pursuits, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. I believe that any husband who loves his wife would do the same, but unfortunately some cannot. Families can face extreme financial pressures when the decision is made for the wife to stay home with the children, the challenge in most cases is if the mother decides to work, it will be to pay for childcare.
Mothers Making Millions teaches mothers how to prepare to re-enter the workplace if they choose; to create their own income; and to learn new skills or sharpen their skills to remain competitive, while staying home with their children.
Inspiration Connection Ministries was birthed as a result of my love and adoration for the love of my life, my forever and my everything, Jesus Christ. ICM was birthed to fulfill the mandate to “go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”. Matthew 28:19. Our focus is to teach, disciple, and inspire. We teach to keep people from perishing for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6); we make disciples so we can multiply our effectiveness (Genesis 1:28); and we inspire where we make fear bow so that it does not hinder us from fulfilling the will of God for our lives (2 Timothy 1:7). Not only do we focus on meeting the spiritual needs, we do not neglect the natural needs. We give food to the hungry, clothes to the needy, knowledge to the mind that craves wisdom, and replenish where there is lack. Our goal is to transform the world for Jesus, one interaction at a time; with one person at a time; and one act of sacrificial love at a time.